MAKERS MONDAY: skprairiefaerie by Leah Lopez

I am a self-taught creative who loves all things stone and crystals. In November 2015 I decided to turn my passion for stones into a creative venture and that's when skprairiefaerie was born.

I create one-of-a-kind pieces that are purposefully designed with an intent in mind. The stones, beads and charms are selected to further this intent. All pieces are named after a Goddess who's energy emanates the intent behind the piece. All pieces come with a write-up on the intention of the piece and the metaphysical properties of the stones.

I think the one-of-a-kind element along with the write-ups set me apart from others. I want you to have a piece of jewelry that means something to you and that's where the story behind the piece comes into play. It enables you to see yourself at a moment in time within the piece.

Why do you create?
My jewelry aims to strike that inner conversation in yourself for yourself. The write-ups are an attempt to begin that conversation with yourself and to magnify the divine and warrior that lie within to encourage you to do what you need in that present moment to evolve forward. Life is a journey and my hope is that the jewelry provides insight and guidance, clearing space and providing you with the knowledge that everything you need comes from within. The stones magnify what already lies within you. I hope to encourage women and those that self-identify as women to examine and embrace all aspects, both light and dark, in their lives - both are vital to our wholeness and both deserve our love. We should not fear the dark but take the opportunity to explore it so that we might see how it can bring us this wholeness and balance, for we would not know the light without the dark. The pieces I make serve as guides through different points in your life, and the notion of the law of attraction guides you towards what you might need to help you on your journey in a given moment.

How has your art practice evolved since you first started?
I always wanted to make meaningful jewelry and started by making things for myself and friends when they need a pick-me-up. I always found that when the jewelry I purchased had meaning to it, I would wear it more often and it was more timeless in nature to me. I wanted to create something similar for others, but my designs and concepts have evolved to take a more holistic vision in terms of the energy of the world and what is needed right now. 

I often find I design my pieces based around energy themes that have been rising both for myself and the world around me. I try to take all of this in when I design my collections, so it's more focused than when I started.

I think my designs have also evolved. My current collection features pieces that have dual use so they are two distinct necklaces that can be worn for two different looks, but the stones have been purposefully selected to offer complimentary energy.

How much time do you spend on your art practice? Is it enough?
It's NEVER enough! I have young kids so the time I'm able to dedicate is typically at night once they are asleep. They are the focus of my attention when they're awake. : )

What is the most rewarding part of creating?
The most rewarding part of creating is when someone selects a piece for one reason or another and then reads the write-up and they just get this look on their face. To me, that means the piece really resonates with them; they understand why they've been attracted to the piece; and hopefully it has promoted some internal thought or meditation on the concepts I've spoken to. It makes my heart sing.

I also love when people contact me to make them a custom piece. Working with someone to design something for them that really fits with who they are and what they need in a given moment is so much fun and rewarding as well.

Do you have a creative philosophy?
Just create. Be you. There is no right or wrong. Just do what you enjoy and the rest will come.

What does creative joy mean to you?
Creating a spark in someone else, lighting them up so to speak so that they can begin to see things or try things from a different perspective. Creating space that allows this to happen for them.

CREATE your own question & answer:
Where do you draw your inspiration?
From everyday life. There is so much going on in the world around us. Taking time to pause, observe and reflect often results in me scribbling like made in my design book. I take inspiration from listening to birds, walking along a beach, reading about Goddesses, and playing with my kids. 

What is your favorite stone?
My personal favorites are Amethyst and Fluorite. Amethyst has such a calming, soothing energy to it and who can't use that in their daily life. Fluorite always just brings me a gentle wave of refreshing energy, helping me to organize myself and my thoughts. I'm a bit of a scatterbrained person who's generally in a hurry so these are my go-to stones.

What are you obsessed with right now?
So, so many things. Right now the concept of duality - the balance of light and dark is especially at the surface of all I do. Lol, my current collection is designed on this very concept. I'm also obsessed with my kiddos and getting in all the time I can with them as they seem to grow so quickly. Book wise - all things Rumi, reading about Goddesses, and a book called "A Ceremony Called Life" by Tehya Sky - highly recommended!

What is something not many people know about you?
I used to be a weightlifter through CrossFit and actually competed in the team worlds event in Los Angeles. *Cue song - "The more you know"



Instagram: @skprairiefaerie

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RED FOX CREATIVE STUDIO is a creativity & wellness centre located in Regina, SK.




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